Remarketing – How It Works!!

Remarketing, also known as Retargeting, is a clever way of serving ads to people/visitors who have already visited the website. To simplify, the name itself defines the meaning of "Re-Marketing". It allows you to deliver ads that directly target the visitors who have previously visited the website.

For instance, the telecom giant Vodafone was executed an ad campaign way back in the early 2000s. The dog follows the boy wherever he goes. The tagline for the entire campaign was “Wherever you go, our network follows”. So, Remarketing campaign ads also do the similar kind of act.

How Remarketing Works?

Remarketing is an online advertising strategy that allows the advertiser to show targeted ads to the past visitors of their website. It can dramatically boost your conversion rates and ROI. But then, you might be wondering how it actually works?

The advertiser will get the remarketing code from the publisher and place the code in their website as per publisher guidelines. When the audience/visitor visits the advertiser’s website:

• A cookie will be created in visitor’s device or account
• Whenever the visitor visits any of the publisher’s or partner’s website, the “user cookie” triggers the advertiser ad (this is how the remarketing cookie follows the audience)

Following are the few instances where the audience will get the advertiser cookie:

• Using regular browser
• Signed in any of the publisher products

Purpose of Remarketing

Brand Recall – The key purpose of remarketing is “Brand Recall” to your past visitors. It plays a prominent role in your business, as it allows you to bring back your gone-visitors and stay connected with them.

Retarget – This technique will help the advertiser to bring the visitor again to the website
E.g., The visitor has an intention to purchase a product, but for some reason their purchase was left incomplete. In such a case, you can retarget those visitors and make them visit back your website to complete their purchase through some convincing methods, such as offers, deals, discounts, etc.

Influential Marketing – A person navigates through several websites, with no intention of availing any services due to lack of interest or any random inconvincible reasons. Now, the advertiser would serve a remarketing ad to influence the visitor’s mind with the brand name.

Upselling – This is a technique where a seller has an opportunity to persuade the customers to buy more products or related products. Once the customer completes the purchase and leaves the website, the customer will be educated about related services or products through remarketing campaigns.

Example: If you have purchased a mobile phone in a retail website, you will start seeing the retail website ads which make you purchase related accessories like headset, mobile cover, and back cases - may be with some discounts.

Ways to Create Search Engines Remarketing Tag

The following 4 ways help you create a remarketing tag:

• Visitors of a page
• Visitors of a page who didn’t visit another page
• Visitors of a page who also visited another page
• Visitors of a page with a specific tag

Types of Re-marketing Campaigns

Remarketing campaigns can be done in the following 5 ways:

Search Remarketing – It helps to retarget the visitors who were previously landed on the website. You can target separate ad for these website visitors and can offer separate ads for different kinds of visitors. This method gives more leads and much higher conversion rates. Search Remarketing needs a minimum of 1,000 cookies before the list is used to tailor the search ads.

Display Remarketing – It completely differs from generic display ad. One can provide offers and discounts to the existing audience through the display remarketing and this in turn leads to purchase of the product. For display remarketing, the average position is always one, but you may not be sure about part of the web page – where the ad would be positioned.  So, one can bid more to get the first fold in the website.

Dynamic Remarketing – In this remarketing campaign, one can pair the feed of products or services with dynamic ads, scaling your ads to cover the entire inventory. Initially, you can add your feed manually or you are also provided with an option to upload as .csv, .tsv, .xls, or .xlsx files.

Video Remarketing – In this type of remarketing, you can target the audience who have interacted with your existing videos or your YouTube Channel. For example: You released a teaser for your video and it had a huge response. Then, you released the main video with more curiosity but, it couldn’t reach wider audience. In this case, you can make use of video remarketing to target your teaser audience, as it helps to acquire more audience to your video.

Customer-List Remarketing – You can upload the contact list that you have in your customer database. The customers who have signed in Google products like Gmail, YouTube, and so on can see the ad.

Ways to Target the Audience Through Remarketing

Some of the ideal ways to target the audience through Remarketing are as follows:

People who visited the website

Example: You visited a food website/restaurant’s website, but then you changed your mind and ended up in physical presence to the nearest restaurant. From now on, you can see the foodie website ad with some special offers on the Google partner websites.

People who visited the particular product page

Example: You are planning to shop in one of the e-commerce websites, but then, you think to purchase the same product later. If you notice carefully, you can see the ad for the same product in a few other websites.

People who add the product to their Cart / Wishlist

Example: If you add a product to your cart or to your wishlist, you can see the same product ad in other websites too. At times, you can see the change in price as well (reduced price).

People who purchased the product

Example: You purchased an Apple 6 mobile on an e-commerce website. When the next updated version of the product is launched in the market, then, you can see the product ad in the Google partner websites.

Thus, remarketing is an effective and ideal advertising medium to reach your customers and encourage them to come back to your website and make more purchases. Also, it helps you engage well with your audience by creating ToMA. You can target your potential clients which eventually impacts your Brand Awareness and Business income.

Don’t wait for the opportunity, rather create one.


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