It’s All About Attitude

Attitude is a settled way of thinking or feeling about something. The attitude of a person is determined by her / his ideas, values and beliefs. Values and beliefs are reflected in the way we live our lives. There is a significant difference between beliefs and values. Beliefs arise from learned experiences, whereas values arise from the experience of being human. Values are related to our needs and what is important to us.

In psychology, ‘attitude’ can be defined as a psychological construct, a mental and an emotional entity that characterizes a person. In simple words, attitude is defined as an individual’s predisposed state of mind about a value, and this in turn could influence an individual’s thought and action. 

This article on ‘Attitude’ clearly explains the in-depth meaning of attitude and its role in our workplace.

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude”

A person with a right attitude can accomplish her / his tasks in an efficient way and can build good relationship with the team. Today, the young generation has got a positive attitude that helps them sail with ease. But at the same time, they shouldn’t be missing the Human Values that determines the right attitude. Here are some few suggestions that help to inculcate great attitude in you to achieve the success ladder.

1. Confidence: Confidence is believing in one’s self and one’s own ability to success. It is also important to know the differences between confidence and over-confidence. Many times, believing that their decisions are better than they really are, will lead to confusion. You might be confidently delivering what is not expected sometimes. So, try to understand the responsibilities and what is expected by your lead and for the project and then start delivering. “Keep up the confidence at the optimal level”.

2. Control Your Mind: It is very important that you control your mind and not let your mind control yourself. Do not allow the actions of others to decrease your good manners, because you represent yourself and not others. “Regulate your emotions in a healthy way”.

3. Individual Potential: Brain Tracy in his book on Maximum Achievement talks about the equation of individual potential:
where ‘IA’ stands for inborn attributes, the natural talents and abilities which cannot be changed; ‘AA’ stands for acquired attributes, these are the knowledge, skill, talent abilities that have been gained or developed as we grow. Then ‘A’ stands for Attitude which is the combination of inborn and acquired attributes.  ‘IHP’ stands for Individual human performance. 
Therefore, it is your inborn attributes plus acquired attributes multiplied by your attitude will be the outcome of your performance.  “Learn, Unlearn, Relearn, Repeat”.

4. Attitude Speaks About You: It is understood that attitude is the most important factor, as it reveals what you really are. Before your words are spoken, your attitude talks about you. Many times, people think they’re perfect. Humility is an important virtue. Learn to be humble and it will open more opportunities for you. It doesn’t matter if you have more talents, you should rather learn to respect others for what and who they are. “Nurture good seeds in you”. 

5. Change Your Inner Self:  Change in behaviours can only be done when we realize that it is required. The will to change must come from within. You should learn to control your emotions. For example, some people immediately react to the situations. They feel what they’ve done is right. But if they regulate their emotions and come up with solution to any kind of situation their action will be appreciated. “Change is permanent and necessary; go with it like a running water”.

6. Constantly Look for Feedback: It is very uncomfortable to receive feedback, particularly when the deliverable is not met. Feedback should be taken as an opportunity to improve and prove oneself and not as pitfalls. “Listen more and keep your ears open for small details”. 

7. Commit Yourself: Whatever the work you do, stay committed to it. There should be a personal commitment for the work we do. Most people fail, not due to lack of desire, but due to the lack of commitment towards their work. Success in any aspect starts with commitment. “Your consistency really matters”.

8. Challenge Yourself time and again: Make a personal mission to seek awareness. The more we know, the more we tend to understand about the world and what is happening around us. By competing with yourself, you will be able to explore the “new-you” in you. This will help you grow as a person. “Feel the New-You”.

9. Frame Your Values: Scenario does not change a person, but it determines who you are to the world. Scenario reveals a person’s true nature. So never blame the circumstance for your wrong doings. Frame your core values and determine the things you want in life. Core values help you to stay focused in fulfilling your goals without getting deviated. “Stand on your values”. That’s always part of a good attitude. 

10. Attitude Takes You to Altitude:  As aforesaid, it is your attitude that determines your altitude. What you think decides your level of success. A wrong attitude would ruin your life, work, relationship, and everything.  “Think it Right”.

“People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude” -  John C. Maxwell

Indeed, ‘Attitude’ portrays one’s personality. Having a positive attitude can bring a lot of change in your life. It enables you to make a difference in the world around you. Everyday your attitude is influenced by various external factors – Workplace, Home, Pubic interactions, and so on. At times, we may even encounter challenging circumstances or people. It is up to us on how we react. If you’re positive inside, it radiates in your aura around.

Just for today, make up your mind to be happy and have a positive attitude – no matter what. Just to do it once. And then, repeat the same tomorrow and the day after… You will realize the impact of positive attitude in your life - on your happiness and success.


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